Objectives: Become keenan properties familiar with the use of the calculator Develop reasoning skills. Promote teamwork. Enable understanding and verifying properties of operations. Discover regularities. Check the hierarchy of operations. Check results, estimates and do self assessment.
3) Discuss the solutions presented by students (or groups) and make relevant comments such as: the hierarchy of operations in an arithmetic expression, approaches the question of the operative properties explored in the exercises.
4) Do what is asked: Press the number 1; Press the + sign; Tighten the number key 1; Press the = sign; Now answer: keenan properties that number come from? Write this number in your notebook. Press the key again the = sign. That number come from? Write this number in your notebook. Press the = sign at least 10 times and after each time you press it write the number that appeared on the display on your notebook. What does the number display each time you press this button?
5) Do what is asked: Press 2, then the zero key. Number that appeared on your screen? Press the buttons keenan properties + 2 = 0. Number that appeared on your screen? Using keys 1 and 0, do appear on the display of your calculator the number 10 and number 1. Draw the keys you pressed to get the number 10 and number 1. Take the number 10 appears on the display of your calculator, using an addition. Draw the keys you pressed. Compare the addition that you did with a colleague. Did you use the same keys for the number 10? Draw the keys to his colleague used.
7) Using your calculator, calculate keenan properties 1: 18. Now multiply that result by 18. What number did you find? What is the correct value of the expression:? Why is it that this value does not appear on the calculator? Discuss with your teacher.
Now calculate keenan properties the result of that expression, making each of the operations in the calculator and noting the results in your notebook. What did you observe? What conclusions can you draw from these calculations?
1) Do the steps below using your calculator and always noting the results in your notebook. a) 34 '12 + 34' 25 b) 34 '(12 + 25) C) (12 + 25)' 34 d) 120: 30 '15 e) 120' 30: 15 f) 124 '100: 8
5) Do what is asked: Think of any number. keenan properties Raise it to the square. keenan properties Reverse the order of the digits of the result. Find the square keenan properties root of this number. Reverse the order of the digits of the result If the resulting number is the number you thought, then it is a square invertible. Find out which of the dozens have less than 20 square invertible. Show 102 2 and 201 2 are square invertible. Show 112 2 and 211 2 are square invertible.
1) Estimate without a calculator, keenan properties which the highest and lowest possible result of the following accounts. Then check out their estimates using the calculator. a) 12,345 x 6,789 b) 123.45 + 67.8 + 9.12 c) 1234.456 to 78.9 d) 867.65: 43,21
2) In a sale of household appliances, a salesman tries to sell John a radio with 23.5% cash discount. According to the seller, the price would drop the radio R $ 200.00 to R $ 160.00. Suspicious of the seller's keenan properties account, John decides to use the calculator to check your results. Now answer using your calculator.
3) During a celebration keenan properties of the Church, Marina will be selling refreshments at the checkout. To be agile in the calculations, Marina, decides to make a table to put the value of a soda, two, three, etc.. until the amount of refrigerant keenan properties 12.
Questions: If the display shows the number 43 and it's time for Mark to play what number he should push to win the game? If the display shows the number 40 and it is time to play Isabel, she will be able to win the game? Why? Ana and Marta chose the result 54. The display showed the number 48 and it is time to play Ana. Ana must push that number to win the game?
The teacher should have noticed that some activities keenan properties proposed here depend on some prerequisites. For example: the activities involving estimates assume that students already know operations keenan properties with decimals and methods keenan properties for extracting square roots. With their experience the teacher should select those most appropriate to the class.
Writing Activity: Working with the calculator Common Basic Curriculum - Elementary Mathematics Author (a): Pr.: Carlos Afonso Rego Colb.: Profas. Angela M. Vidigal and Mary Grace Gomes Barbosa Reference Center Virtual Teacher - SEE-MG/2006
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