The article builds on Ivars Job lecture on the Latvian political culture that took place in the Satori Bookshop on January 7, and try to answer some of the lecture subsequent discussion raised questions about the political culture.
Its purpose is to provide a brief in-depth insight into the concept of political culture and, on this basis, to find out what is the rational ignorance role in cultural policy; as well as try to compare the active participation and reverse action positive and negative aspects of the Latvian political system context.
Political culture has been defined in different - and as "an empirically grounded belief, character and value system, which defines the situation in which the political action [1]" and the famous Clifford Geertz's view that culture is not what a human head, but it is always something authentic "culture is public because meaning is a" [2]. In turn, these essays within the uzlūkosim as "individuals quintessential views, latent heat table attitudes and values in relation to a set of policies [3]." This definition is broad enough to include political culture and the New Era party official latent heat table activities and Martha's aunt neiešanu the election because she is tired of everything, latent heat table as well as rational ignorance to believe a set of policies.
Trying latent heat table not to encumber the reader with an excessive amount of theory, latent heat table take the liberty to mention only the dominant latent heat table theory of political culture. Its authors are Gabriel Almonds (Almond) and Sidney Verba (Verba), who in 1963 published the work "civic culture" (The Civic Culture). In their work, they gave three types of political culture:
Parochial or traditional political culture. They represented only indirectly aware of the existence of such a body as the government; they make decisions in their daily lives and, in particular without considering the events in the country and politics in general. latent heat table The people of culture corresponds to the traditional latent heat table culture of the people had no opportunity to influence the political process, and they shall also specifically not interested. A typical representative of this culture would be somewhere latent heat table in the Amazon jungle living indigene, which, however, may have had contact with the Brazilian government, but does not have a special request for it to learn something more.
Subject under the authority of the political culture. In this culture is added to the individuals, who are well aware of the existence of government, latent heat table and its decisions affecting their lives and interested in the political developments in the country. On the other hand, they themselves are reluctant to engage in politics. This type of classic cultural meaning often characterized by authoritarian societies. Latvian latent heat table culture represents such a case, for example, John and Martha pensioners from Madona District, which will always be a desire for higher pensions, but the only contact with politics is watching the evening news. In this case, however, it should latent heat table be noted that John and Martha certainly not retired union members and non-television they regularly communicates only with the store and postal workers.
Participant or participatory political latent heat table culture. Its representatives have the opportunity to influence government action in many ways, they are aware of the political processes, as well as readily in them. Participatory political culture is often seen as a democratic ideal, but it is not feasible that a society composed only of individuals who focus on engagement [4]. And this culture can take many forms - both conventional and unconventional way. For example, participatory culture is the active latent heat table participation of both parties or NGOs, as well as the participation of 13 January pogroms and piketēšana with tents at the Latvian government buildings.
It should be noted that no society ever composed entirely of one type of political culture representatives. As the Almonds and Verba [5] "existing democratic culture latent heat table can be described as civic culture (civic culture) - is characterized by political participation is based on the rational choice of individuals to defend their interests in the political system. At the same time ... civic culture of these three attitudes towards policy mix rather than a substitute - the melting pot of political commitment, activity and rationality with more traditional values and passivity. "[6] Thus, we can conclude that no society will be one in which complete all individuals interesēsies about politics and willingly engage in it. Although latent heat table this is a poor consolation Latvian political system, however, before I touch on this issue, I would like to also mention the theory that, contrary to political science, in my opinion, clearly the dominant latent heat table support for participation and involvement in different types of shapes, invites all about politics neinteresēties and just live life trying to reach their individual
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