Thursday, October 16, 2014

That was certainly true of management, to repatriate the postman. It would be unconstitutional if t

Swedish conditions in Allerød | Hodjanernes Blog
That was certainly true of management, to repatriate the postman. It would be unconstitutional if the postman end to censor and decide what they would hand out cf. Constitution 77 The same applies to bus drivers in Aarhus. Here in Denmark it is only the courts that can determine if a folder or advertising, break the law. It is not for bus drivers or postmen.
@ "The Fourth Identity": I wonder if it is a psychologist or similar you need, since you can not figure out how to write my name correctly? Also, I have a job where I do not need fools like you. Last but not least, how to relate to what is written rather than go after the man? Is not that what you and your little friends used to rant about every time I sharpener pen (the keyboard)? Apart from that you do not have anything to offer: mrgreen:
"@" The Fourth Identity ": I wonder if it is a psychologist or similar you need, since you can not figure out how to write my name correctly? Also, I have a job where I do not need fools like you. Last but not least, how to relate to what is written rather than go after the man? Is not that what you and your little saturated water pressure table friends saturated water pressure table used to rant about every time I sharpener pen (the keyboard)? Apart from that you do not have anything to offer
Turk maltossen writes a very poor Danish. He hears enough for the large group (more than 60% of a year) of "our culture" who leave school with poor literacy skills. This may be one reason that the Turk has never had a regular job.
Lars: Small stupid you. Could not do yourself - and us - a huge favor? First of all, to read things before you speak about something which is called preparation, which should remind you of when you were - perhaps - went to school. On the other hand, you are just another example of a really fat and of stupid Dane who would rather go after the man than argue for a debate. However, it amazes me in any way, as it is typical for smådumme personalities that you exhibit here. And a few questions at the last moment: If you claim that I am "turkey", how can it be that I am white and have Jutland idea? If you think that I should not have a regular job, how can it be that I have been at the same job for 6 years now?
Michael CS: Now I do not know who your master is, but I am quite sure that we will not have the same. A guess would probably be that your master living in a place where there is probably smell pretty much sulfur ...
But you are simply a joke compared to what you pretend to follow ... Tell me have you all done you any ideas about how your actions saturated water pressure table and words will be seen up there where you want to go when you turned your last fart ???
Turk maltossen think that Islam is a race. It is not the case, Islam is a fascist ideology, founded by person were both desert thief and slave trader. Maltossen has no regular job and expected it was not, with very few skills saturated water pressure table he possesses.
Michael S .: If you believe it, how can you be participating in a clear racist blog? The only thing I wage war against the racists who spend their time here and my weapon is my pen (in this case my tastetur on your computer)
Your "weapon" is neither the keyboard ... using libel and try you slide tackle ... downright dictates that you should praise you happy we are lenient and allow city freaks as you keep the few pennies you can scratch out of a lower status job ... instead of deliver them to the other as part of a sentence!
Michael CS: Now I do not know what you build it, but I do not have a lower status job and wants me not wish to support some of you financially because you do not bother to find you a job. There we live happily in a democracy where the kind thankfully not take place ...
Poor relief have really had not one whit with the concept of democracy to do ... you mix model of society and government together ... but it is symptomatic of you and the nonsense you are trying to get you!
But a mixture of defiance age and arrested development is one of hu when reading your tirades ... perhaps that's why you have not scored a wife! So nothing is so bad that it is not good for anything !!!
Furthermore, I do not think that any of you will be happy that this "blog" was dismantled when the world will laugh his ass off at how low people as you can to pursue harassment of other people saturated water pressure table by going after them and not their arguments (tje, you can just read this thread, so you get a good glimpse of it ...)
Yes but, you see malts, saturated water pressure table paltry hull, that's pure bad business with you,

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