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Do You Know? Scientists rechauffe have recently managed to find a giant water masses rechauffe of the largest and oldest in the universe. The cloud-shaped mass of water 12 billion years old, and is estimated to contain the mass of water in the amount of 140 trillion times the mass of all the water on earth. Water vapor cloud was surrounded by a supermassive black hole, known as quasars, are in a location which is about 12 billion light years from Earth. As quoted by the news station MSNBC, the scientists said that these findings prove that the water has been around since the dawn of the universe "Because the light we see left the quasar light more than 12 years, rechauffe we see the presence of water is only about 1.6 billion after the start of universe, "said Alberto Bolatto, one of the researchers from the University of Maryland in a statement. "These findings indicate the presence of water one billion years closer to the big bang event," rechauffe said Bolatto. Quasars are the most luminous and energetic objects in the universe. Quasar powered by a massive black hole that sucks gas and dust surrounding the energy spewing ebsar amounts. The team of astronomers managed to detect and confirm the presence of the water cloud around the quasar, through two different telescopes, one in Hawaii and one in California. rechauffe Researchers estimate rechauffe that the water vapor formed in the early emergence of the universe. Thus, the discovery rechauffe of dark clouds is walkin too surprising them. "This is further proof of where the water is pervasive throughout the universe, even at times when the very beginning," said lead study author, Matt Bradford, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Tangible Ice
Quasar APM 08 279 + 5255 contains water vapor in the amount of 4,000 times larger than the Milky Way, the researchers said. This is probably because a lot of water in the form of the Milky Way galaxy ice, not steam. Water vapor in the quasar distributed around a massive black hole in the region which includes hundreds of light years in length. The cloud has a temperature of minus 63 degrees Fahrenheit (-17.2 degrees Celsius), however, the Earth's atmosphere has a density that is 300 trillion times more dense than the clouds. At least, the cloud was five times more heat, and 10 to 100 times more dense than what is common in galaxies, including the Milky Way, the researchers said. Cloud water was also reveal other important info about quasars. Measurement of water vapor and other molecules such as carbon monoxide, revealing the possibility that there is a sufficient amount of gas for the black hole to grow to about six times its previous size. These findings will be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
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