The adiabatic adiabatic expansion of the vapor in the Mollier diagram The vapor pressure mollier diagram steam of the water vapor density: considerations lateral Transformation The isochoric isothermal transformation isobaric enthalpy and internal energy density of the water Hummingbird monoeffetto biellato - Episode 4
The liquid-vapor system allows the creation of different cycles and each has strengths and weaknesses. This post is presented mollier diagram steam and analyzed the isobaric-isochoric whose characteristic is to have the record of the most useful work, however, associated with a modest performance. In the animation proposal outlined below is a steam engine that works with the cycle isobaric-isochoric.
On the right there are the condenser, the pump and the boiler. On the left is the engine of which were represented cylinder, piston and two valves driven. The pump transfers mollier diagram steam the liquid from the condenser to the boiler. In the heat boiler is provided for vaporizing and possibly for the vapor superheat. As already seen, the pressure in the boiler is determined by the temperature of the liquid. When the upper valve (inlet valve) is open, the lower valve (exhaust valve) is closed and the pressurized steam enters mollier diagram steam the engine and pushes the piston towards the left. The pressure in the boiler during the expansion phase remains constant if sufficient heat is supplied to generate the amount of vapor that enters mollier diagram steam the engine. At the top dead center (piston fully left), the inlet valve closes and then opens the drain valve. The pressure rises to the value of that present in the cold radiator which in turn is determined by the temperature of the cold wall of the condenser. If the thermal dissipation is sufficient to maintain constant the temperature of the cold wall, the pressure inside the condenser does not vary. The piston moves to the right and discharge the steam. Within the condenser the steam changes phase and becomes liquid. At the bottom dead center (piston fully to the right), the exhaust valve closes, then opens the inlet valve and the high pressure steam starts again to get into the room. The cycle is completed with the pumping of the liquid in the boiler mollier diagram steam that is formed in the condenser. In the scheme proposed animated identifies four distinct elements each with its own function: 1) the boiler is the heat exchanger 2) the engine is the active part that converts the potential energy of the steam generated in the boiler work in 3) the capacitor is the cold exchanger 4) the pump is the passive part that restores the liquid in the boiler mollier diagram steam consuming work to increase the potential energy of the liquid regard mollier diagram steam to the useful work produced by the engine, the calculation is limited to evaluating the area of the cycle shown in ' animation. Since this is a rectangle whose base is the change in volume and the height of which is the pressure difference existing between the boiler and the condenser, the calculation to be made is the following engine L = (P boiler - P condenser) * (V max - V min) where L is the engine work produced per cycle expressed in JP boiler is the boiler pressure expressed in Pa condenser P is the pressure in the condenser expressed in Pa V max is the maximum volume of the engine expressed in m 3 V min is the minimum mollier diagram steam volume of the engine expressed in m 3 Note that in the figure has been represented the very particular case (and in practice never achievable) where V min is null. Regarding the work consumed for pumping the calculation is similar, mollier diagram steam but the volume with which to multiply the difference of pressure is that of the pumped liquid pump L = (P boiler - P condenser) mollier diagram steam where L * V liquid pump is used for the work cycle expressed in JP boiler is the boiler pressure expressed in Pa condenser P is the pressure in the condenser expressed in Pa V is the volume of liquid pumped fluid expressed in m 3 The useful work per cycle is given by the following equation L = L engine mollier diagram steam - The pump Since the volume of the liquid (liquid V) smaller than the volume change of the motor (V max - V min), the useful work per cycle is positive. Regarding the heat supplied to the system, the calculation is decomposed into several parts to make more clear what happens in the various stages. FIRST STAGE Heating of the liquid in the boiler mollier diagram steam from the condensation temperature to the boiling temperature of the process takes place at constant pressure and according to what already discussed the exchanged heat can be determined by applying the simplified equation Q1 = Cp * Average n * (T vaporization - T condensation) where Q1 is the heat exchanged expressed in J Cp average is the average specific heat at constant pressure mollier diagram steam in the temperature range between T condens
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