Solar panels are basically devices used to convert the energy of sunlight specific heat table into electrical energy. The device also known as Solar Photovoltaic Panel. The composition of a solar panel consists of photovoltaic cells, specific heat table these with the property to have sensitivity to absorb solar energy and generate specific heat table electricity in two opposing layers.
Solar panels are basically devices used to convert the energy of sunlight into electrical energy. The device is also known as "Photovoltaic Solar Panel". The composition of a solar panel consists of photovoltaic cells, these with the property specific heat table to have sensitivity to absorb solar energy specific heat table and generate electricity in two opposing layers.
The technology used in the solar panel is expensive though, therefore, to become specific heat table a popular product, government would need more incentives. Solar panels are considered a good alternative for clean energy generation, as well as wind. The first world countries are the ones that use this technology. Therefore, in spite of great benefit to the population to technology is still little used in poor or developing countries.
To produce this equipment, solar cells are made of crystalline silicon and gallium arsenide. Although arsenite always have been the most used substance, the crystalline silicon began to be used to lower the solar panel.
However, the crystalline silicon does not have the same power generation capacity of the gallium arsenide. Subjected to sunlight, the gallium arsenide is more efficient in the generation process, 6 inches in diameter specific heat table produces up to a margin of 0.25 watts. How?
Solar panels collect photons from sunlight, specific heat table which are nothing more than little packets of energy of electromagnetic radiation, are then converted into electrical specific heat table current. The energy obtained through solar panels specific heat table have been used in various segments. For those who think that their use is restricted only in homes and industries, you're wrong. See more applications: far away from the electrified lines, external lighting homes and public spaces, aid in telecommunications in remote, rural telephony, road signs, electric fences, among others. The advantage of this type of electricity is that it is renewable and people can use without the need for a power pole around. Solar panels, installed after, have little maintenance and can last for several years and most importantly, does not harm the environment.
The system cells are made of special materials called semiconductors such as silicon. When light shines on the solar cell of a percentage of this solar energy is absorbed by the semiconductor material. This energy located within the semiconductor pulls the electrons weakly allowing them to flow freely. The Fotovolcaicas cells also have one or more electric fields that force electrons freed by light absorption to flow in the right direction. The flow of electrons that happens is an electric current. The electric current produced along with the cell voltage determines the power or electrical power, the cell is capable of producing. Use for heating water?
The use of solar energy for water heating has been well accepted in the Brazil market. The water heating system occurs at different solar panels produce electrical energy. We often confuse a solar thermal collector, which uses the sun to heat water, and a photovoltaic plate, which transforms the energy of sunlight into electricity by a physical process. The solar collector is a simple and cheap equipment.
Basically slant equipment circulates the water, warming to the incidence specific heat table of the sun and is distributed to the shower and faucets. In most developed countries the use of solar energy is widely accepted and used. Solar heating is widely used
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