Wednesday, August 13, 2014

_________________ Wheel just rolls I have to say thanks to what caused the ball to which we live an

Android viruses is a myth - it claims Android Security Department, leading the programmer Adrian Ludwig (Ludwig Adrian). In his words, the Android device users there is no need to install their own smartphones and panels in some kind of antivirus and vīrusskenerus because 99% still nesaduršoties with viruses. "I think it is futile car seat portable to pay for products that are likely never will not guarantee safety - it is not rational risk reduction. Nevertheless, people think different," so Adrian Ludwig. He he criticized those who believe that Google car seat portable Play "all free mode" car seat portable allowing Web applications ieperināt all sorts of harmful software. In fact, all the applications before the publication is thoroughly tested and the possibility uzrauties the virus is "extremely remote". "Most people do not have to face a lifetime car seat portable never to viruses Android Google Play site, as well as encounter a people whose smartphones would be such. Consequently, I think that fear is exaggerated," continues Ludwig. Commenting on the anti-virus company info on thousands of Android virus families, Ludwig accused the wrong interpretation of data. None of the antivirus company does not specify how many smartphones has been infected, but will meet with the pest population. This figure is growing, so the panic background a better chance of successfully selling their products. Bitdefender antivirus company both trying to challenge this statement, we strongly encourage users to invoke Notepad, which of Google Play uploaded vīrusinficētas applications (preferably in the titles). Of course, the application of the edge count.
Also Latvidžas Republic of the reigning government officials as often and forcefully argue that the economy is rapidly gaining momentum, the standard of living and only increases, and this year produced 200 tonnes of fatty tissue over the plan, and next year we will live even better.
Now, now. With their standard of living, etc. As soon as one colleague had gone to Russia paciemoties. Although he is already car seat portable two years ago took off the pink glasses, as a Muscovite, but he is now back. Was guided by both Moscow and 400 km from Moscow to their relatives. Prices and wages in Moscow of course not to compare with the rest of Russia, but the price is not even in Moscow for most of the product is more expensive than Latvian, but not in Moscow salary is less. It even most recently was in Germany wages and prices also may quarrel, but the fact remains that they are Germans complain about life. Incidentally one of the cities which had to stay in, I saw five of Hobo (four white and one Gypsy). All other strādā.Krāsaino, black and rainy there that thick. Maybe the problem is in the head? In particular, the Latvian or Russian case. As the anecdotes about the countries. Only two countries fascinates me, fascinated and amazed. Japan, which has nothing, and everything. Russia, which is everything. but nothing.
_________________ Wheel just rolls I have to say thanks to what caused the ball to which we live and gravitation also lies underneath. Quantum physics, without car seat portable any, because of its even than I did nejēdzu. Among other things, that it is the theory of relativity?
Recently, the British and American heard that they pay their lands dog's wages. Government thinking about them and makes live inhuman. This is one of the reasons why I occasionally do not like democracy. With the people as a child - a little stupid, but take care of it.
Google your data shall be recorded and used for his own purposes since its birth (1998g.) ...;) Nowadays, not escape from it and have to put up with it, but if you want to escape the live deep in the jungle and cave people! No electricity, no radio, no phones, no relation to anything! Jo has also been shown by "innocent" electrical wires may spy on you and you get the personal information ...
Mahmoud car seat portable - What to your 'antivirus' if the same installation allows the hack to install apps .... same unlatched the door open and then magically hoping that something invisible (in terms of UI animātisks with fancy presentation) will intercept these furious codes hidden USING ... . naive .... Andris not like windows! Andrés any Suu neieinstalēsi if the same will not approve, but if it approves all in a row despite the smartphone will not be sorry for you (at least in the normal and safe operation) The 'magical' application - can even pay 100EUR, she nenotvers virus IF YOU ARE given to this virus virtually full access to the phone! ,) But either already dumiķīsiem market moves and go to the Urra andra AV business! Especially if severe advertised when Android is a viral lesion, in my view, these 'independent' tests which supposedly shows that there is a virus entanglement android system it's all one big marketing, paid by all the countless thousands of anti-virus applications to uzhypostu people and so they buy these applications ... sort of advertising car seat portable ... (just like Microsoft, Norton, which kasperskijs and 80, early in the 90 that developed these codes themselves, and they blocked themselves with their specific antivirus programs offered by the buyer payment and buyers of course that was bought in nejokosies the safety of buyers and ra

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