Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The document is in the Archivo General de Indias (Sevilla, Board, 139-N1-R3, p. 12v-18r). To simpli

Newspaper articles, short essays and various authors and sources, which deal with the global reality of the region of Puno, Peru, particularly its cultural diversity, its history, its socio-economic issues and political events.
The conquistador Pizarro Gómez Mazuelas received the task of Puno in 1535. In 1550, after the "Civil Wars" between the conquerors (1541-1548), the first "tax rate" of the divisions of Indians was made legally fixing the amount taxes and services that communities should provide their encomenderos. The information was gathered electric chafer by order of the Licensed Gasca, who sent visits and inspections took place in 1548-1549. The rate of allotment of Puno (Lima, 1-XII-1550), was developed electric chafer by the three commissioners appointed by Gasca: Archbishop electric chafer of Lima, Fray Jeronimo de Loaysa, OP; the judge of the Audiencia of Lima, Bachelor Andres electric chafer Cianca; and the Dominican Fray Domingo de Santo Tomás, OP.
The rate consists electric chafer of 19 sections, each accurately indicates the different goods and services due to encomendero. For the type of taxation and work, we distinguish four categories of payment: (a) currency, (b) in kind, (c) services, and (d) the doctrinero cure. The second category, payment in kind, may in turn sub-divided into five areas: textiles, livestock, food, manufactured goods and dry food (to be stored in the dairy, as a "public service"). There are a total of 8 areas in which the rate of distribution of Puno was divided. We can assume that the same criteria were used for other parcels in the highlands of Titicaca.
The document is in the Archivo General de Indias (Sevilla, Board, 139-N1-R3, p. 12v-18r). To simplify reading, quantities, written in the original words have been transcribed as numbers (eg "quatro" = 4).
I - Payment Currency: 1 - "Dareis bos the d [ic] Chieftain hos e Indians of d [ic] ho distribution to d [ic] ho v [uest] ro encomendero each year vn 500 pesos each vno value of 450 marauedis in gold or silver, electric chafer as bos the d [ic] hos Chiefs and Indians desire more and better pudieredes every 6 months electric chafer 250 pesos, placed in the city of Cuzco in house encomendero ".
II - Payment in kind: textiles: 2 - "you will give every 6 months electric chafer 50 bestidos wool, 20 of cumbi and others [30] of abasca, half of [h] ombre and half woman, which means vn bestido blanket and shirt and anaco and liquid [sic: lliquilla] yndio blanket and yndia anaco of 2 yards in length, and two yards in width, electric chafer and liquid [sic] rod and TERCIA in length and in the width of 1 bara, and T rod and ochaua in length and the width of the ring 2 less ochaua rods; place in the city of Cuzco in house encomendero; and if bos the d [ic] hos chiefs and Indians pay money quisieredes half of these sayings 100 bestidos, clothing cunbi to 5 pesos per 1 bestido and the abasca to 3 pesos per 1 bestido of law perfe [c ] ta, you can take your stand without the d [ic] encomendero ho or else you can conpeler to something else ". 3 - "you will give every 6 months 2 fraçadas and 2 coats of size that are accustomed to, and 3 horse blankets, aprons and 8 with 3 sacks, with 6 ropes and 2 empty coxines all wool; and 2 arrouas wool; encomendero posts in house. " 4 - "by giving them the wool encomendero for it, you [h] you areis della every seventh year 60 dresses, half cumbi and the other half of abasca of size d [ic] ho is, and 2 cabinets 3 rods in quadro each vno or cloth 1 4 yards wall fall, and 5 beams instead of confectioners vn each year; and porneis [sic: ye lay] encomendero home ".
III - Payment in kind: cattle: 5 - "you will give every 6 months 50 obejas and giving males you will be asked not [h] embras because they can raise; and each vna Pascoa electric chafer [sic: Easter] of the 3 year 1 obelisk and one lamb positions encomendero house; electric chafer and if bos the d [ic] hos Cacique and quisieredes Indians pay monies half ð This d [ic] you 100 obejas to 4 pesos per 1 obelisk d [e] perfe law [c] ta you can take your stand without the d [ic] ho encomendero you can conpeler to something else ". 6 - "you will give each one year, after this first year that quente dende the day that this rate is notified to bos the d [ic] ho Cacique on, 20 pigs a year and half or dende arriua; or not giving, you will give each pork place 1 obelisk. " 7 - "you will give every 6 months 3 arrouas of seuo brought home the encomendero."
IV- Payment electric chafer in kind: food: 8 - "Dareis every 3 months 25 pairs of partridges put in v [uest] ras lands". 9 - "you will give each week outside electric chafer Quaresma 40 cocks and 2 arreldes fish, and the weekly Quaresma 60 huebos and 4 arreldes fish all

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