Monday, February 17, 2014

I think it is beyond dispute that the most attractive glosche offer is the one no cost, or free. Th

I think it is beyond dispute that the most attractive glosche offer is the one no cost, or free. The phenomenon can be enjoyed free of charge in many different glosche forms, such as offering "Buy one and get another one free" and "Pay for two years and get the device for free" or "free watch you sit through the commercials." The Internet is slowly glosche spreading of all digital content and services for free we want to consume, often causing severe headaches with industry participants.
The service in terms of ingyenességnél in theory it may be better to just a penny or even cents to pay more for the user, so give yourself the question of whether an offering is equally attractive whether glosche that is just above the zero cost. An interesting experiment to help find the answer, carried out by research partner, Professor Dan Ariely behavioral glosche sciences. A two csokoládéstandon started selling chocolate, a rare, Switzerland, Lindt chocolate worth 30 cents 15 cents, and a rather commercial, much cheaper local chocolate, Hershey's Kiss 1 cents. The experiments in this phase of the consumers rationally behaved considered the ratio of the chocolate value and accordingly chosen so that ultimately 73% purchased special Lindt chocolate.
In the second phase, one devalued cents on both products, resulting in a chocolate Kiss became free. Rational for the difference between the price of the product has not changed, change the behavior of buyers still caused enormous. This time, 69% chose the Hershey chocolate, dispense with the special offer price Lindt special glosche unit. The same experiment was repeated at different price levels, glosche the result is not changed, the gratuity overcame the power of rational thinking.
It is named after the huge difference glosche between one cent and free bid penny gap (gap penny). The penny gap theory assumes that there is no linear relationship between price and demand. glosche This clearly implies that the biggest challenge was the fact that the consumer cross the penny gap, and absolutely should be willing to pay even a penny to termékünkért, szolgáltatásunkért. This is especially true for virtual content and online services, the Hungarian market is exponentially where, due to the relatively low salaries of the material risk factors is very important. Today, the Internet service and content from virtually States are expected to be free of charge, which stems from several factors.
First, the content in the digital world have lost their physical dimension, which led directly to the content devalued because people appreciate the tangible things is simply more. A newspaper printed a DVD over, or even a CD for people glosche attest to the willingness to pay more than for the same data format for content purchased from the Internet.
On the other hand, the digital space has no allocation of scarce resources glosche in the economy is, as we have over virtually infinite shelf space, in addition to produce a copy of the production and logistics glosche costs are close to zero. Chris Anderson's long tail theory is shown to be the best that infinite shelf-space is less than the least popular glosche demand content to zero, thus with infinite shelf space should extend the range is extremely broad spectrum. This of course means that the content you supply to increase by many times, the people on the other side there will be more free time, so the competition between various content is growing.
In addition, the bits in the realm of the practical realization of the past consistent with Moore's Law also makes it possible to be free of charge. The law, which is actually more the hülvelykujj-rule comes from the Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, a simplified version of the computer processing power doubles roughly every two years. glosche Anyway this can be stated that the price per unit of capacity is halved in that time. If we add to that the bandwidth and the cost of storing the data even faster decrease, that converges to zero, the foundations of new business opportunities you can find some. In fact, this discovery has created the Internet, and the same push digital worlds to the clouds, where most services glosche are free also you can access, as every online thing the marginal cost is close to zero, it should be rounded down. Mostly because sometimes involves acquiring glosche a new customer costs so much that it is better to switch to the free model and to look after other sources of income.
Solution glosche to this situation was the freemium model, where most consumers really do not pay anything for the particular products or services, but a small group of customers premium

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