Hn seems to not rkrtt s kvrun lfeyrissjanna a TLA a change foreign assets slenskar krnur these tmapunkti. Whether but kvrunin is Skoura t fr sjnarhorni lfeyrissjanna earkisins.
Lkt and many Blai suggests, will lead lfeyrissjanna with NTT in foreign market be tough with the current gjaldeyrishft. V can lii MRG r, fused to a HGT beings. g have several times RTD scheduled with the men in lfeyrissjanna has ever replaced a skrt presented hj them, a foreign encroachment m rkuum Veria evaluate the enthalpy property. dedicating at a v a gjaldeyrishftin be preventing a sponge fjrfestingar tlndum and how Renga by Mr. fjrfestingar country. elilegt Is v a s asked whether lfeyrissjirnir know something that we do not, for example, a shorter s currency exchange sobeys ess , they will be in a buying into National Power, a NTT strt fjrfestingaverkefni s ppunum etc..
Hfum mind, a lfeyrissjirnir own gntt FJR innermost accounts. Frtt Morgunblastins says 160 billion Vi This BTAS 5 -6 billion mnui, if not more, taking into account the rgreislna lfeyris. 160 billion v be a 220 billion for open-end sjunum not lead to a fjrfesta with other htti. 200 million euros is not much sum this context earflega 32.2 billion. kr. mia with skr rate. Assume a 20% sjirnir fi song, This certainly gives ga vxtun but lkki krnan mnuum and subsequent years, as is the appearance, gtu sjirnir been a skjta check-off, even with extra slkt layer. Nor is valid s skring a brass sua fra money ga vxtun Mr. country, where they have five-fold of this upper sitting lklegast accounts that bear no rfandi ha rate.
Against rkissji, the question is why is so rkissjur Four or a bta skuldabyrisna. And why inheritance rkissj sobeys ess ur a purchase lfeyrissjina to collaborate on the restoration of the country's household? ghlt simplistic memory, a lfeyrissjirnir vru common sjir, strs at least part of the population . they play v vertebral social assistance role, but not as fjrfestingasjur. rkissjur But first heir of a given drill trkisskuldabrf, is lklegast jhagslega hagkvmara a rate their move to lfeyrissjanna, but foreign hedge. hliin The coin is, a su more a compete for a fjrfesta rkisskuldabrfum, should a be a HGT largest vxtum their further sobeys ess nines.
Mr.'s maybe got a standing v lfeyrissjirnir sobeys ess t want to go into this gjrning. They are a drag r competitive target attribute and thus protecting vxtunarkrfu goal keeper. sobeys ess strsti One glpur collapse morphology has just been vxtunarkrafa markaiea should we rather say a generosity rkissj s vi tgfu rkisskuldabrfa. sobeys ess g skrifaifrslu of This vormnuum 2009, where g vxtun believed that rkissjur Parties up langtmabrfum be against GLP simply sobeys ess Jinni. frtt of MLI shows a Microencapsulated has accepted bids rkisskuldabr f maturing in 2010, 2017 and 2026 with vxtunarkrfu up from 8.82 to 9.98%. salts be a shortest brfin have been me slka vxtunarkr fu, but a bja 17 years brf me slkri vxtun describes the tr not run, economic and a hj rkisstjrn that tlaia be reached fam EU and the euro skjl lngu before brifn vru maturity.
Rkissjur carried sobeys ess out with a gu fordmi and lkka interest rate country. Bi homes and fyrirtki are a withers before interest burden and b in a make a decades together. because its graph, these AILA rate of loyal ln other before. later was able to provide a vi assignable interest, at least until a su banks profit v a devalue.
music playback rkissjur not mind a bjahrri interest it gets me up. Verblgumarkmi Sela Bank m used to a certain This interest rate. N are au 2.5% and commitment rkissjur styja vi au, he did not go with SNA growth of more than 0.5-1.0 % up for a. g hear quite a mrsrfringa markaimtmla this. Hfum mind, a bronze work no any for fjrfesta that will ha vxtun.
a is not rkissjaa bjaha vxtun. actually own a rkissjir Fora as hot a fire ta interest rates up. they do not own a competing vi ara me hrra interest rates. Rkissjir eingngu have a switch to take ln lgstu vxtum and fi they do not ln vxtum them, be they simply drop a lntkunni EAA brf those are sold inside their fjrhirslum. Disclose sobeys ess quite sure, when a fjrfestar ara not least, they will stta themselves with lgri growth. Mr. Staal s country has simply never previously been apparent.
g want a set of verilg hmark growth sobeys ess rkisskuldabrfa. Eygl Harardttir song, I recall, a bill to that effect in 2010, but a FKK not hljmgrunn. g tel This still need a happening, where a atvinnulfi
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