Sunday, June 22, 2014

It is this ministry which significantly affects the family policy rational cpc and enters into the

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Editors Undertow is using a text journalist Ivo Patty ponders the risk of infiltration of radical feminism in government rational cpc structures and explains its essence. What specifically will mark the beginning of radical feminists rational cpc Michelle Marks-Tominová to chair the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs can not well be expected, but all reality only time will tell. Even today, it can be noted that the control of the powerful Ministry rational cpc "dark" forces will be particularly hard blow to traditional families in our country.
It is this ministry which significantly affects the family policy rational cpc and enters into the sensitive area of intimate human relationships. Radical feminists, which is the supreme representative of the Minister, will soon occupy critical positions in the whole structure of the Ministry and in a short time creates a "feminist militia", rational cpc hard-hitting, wherever they are by the fabulous "women's rights" are sufficiently protected.
To better understand where they will most likely state family policy in the next few years to come, it is necessary to know the roots of this "revolutionary movement" grows and where it is going. Without that, it is just a label that no one takes it too seriously. However, this is serious. Very.
Columnist Ivo Patta to this phenomenon states: rational cpc "The first convent for women's rights was held in the revolutionary year of 1848. At that time, the feminist movement in the opposite views on motherhood and children than it is today. One of the leading activists and organizers of the convention in 1848, Elizabeth Cady Stanton called abortion "disgusting and shameful rational cpc crime."
Another rational cpc představitelek early feminist movement to fight for women's suffrage rational cpc Susan B. Anthony rational cpc on the same topic wrote: A woman has terrible guilt in committing the act, will weigh on her conscience in life, it will weigh her soul in death. Feminists in the 19th century led campaign against abortion and for passing laws that criminalized abortion. These views are maintained in the feminist movement until the early sixties of the 20th century.
In the 60s, we meet the new lifestyle. Youth in the West dedicated to sex, drugs, mass protests against all odds. The new moral code of conduct was then a reflection of their actions, but not only that, it was mainly their justification. Suddenly, in a very short period of time encounter with morality, which is an inverted mirror image of traditional morality.
Old roots of society and feminist movements that were torn. New roots of feminism are born of hatred and began to intensively grow abundantly watered with the blood of the unborn. The family has become public enemy No. 1 feminist Linda Gordon says: "The family must be destroyed." In 70 years, writes Robin Morgan: "I will not destroy inequity between rational cpc men and women, unless we destroy marriage."
"Marriage existed for the benefit of men and legally rational cpc confirmed method of controlling women .... We must work to destroy it .... The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary rational cpc condition for the liberation of women. Therefore, it is essential for us to deliver the courage to women leaving their husbands and in order not live in passenger volumes with men .... The entire history rational cpc must be rewritten with respect to the oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions, such was witchcraft. rational cpc "
The quote is certainly notable, but even this did not radically altered the peak of modern feminism. Legal advisor Catherine McKinnová expressed proposition declaring that: "Feminism emphasis rational cpc on" non-discrimination "concepts prostitution, marriage, sexual harassment. rational cpc
The ultimate aim of the modern feminist movement is freedom, then, that by Movement can not be achieved without the abolition of marriage. This can only add: If it remains the fate of nations in the modern feminists damning marriage and hekatomby spilling the blood of the unborn in the name of freedom, nations have no future. Because of the biological point of view there is nothing that is so rapid identification pattern of poor adaptation, such as reproduction below the population replacement.
Feminism today and its resources (destruction of the family, contraception, abortion, sterilization) now aging and dying Christian world vehemently offering third and the Islamic world. Without success. Why should the Third World and Islam should accept suicide if they are to receive for an inheritance the land, from which voluntarily or by decision rational cpc of leaving our women? "
S feminist militia occupying the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, in close cooperation with the Ministry for Human Rights led by Jiri Dienstbier, we obviously expect a thrilling rational cpc experience. Like the "Roma issue" women's rights are in fact proven effective battering ram to destroy the main enemy of the revolutionaries, kt

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