From A student of gymnasium Leukothea Kourgia and student of Third Grade Drouvis Nikolaos, in the investigation of this year's ET on the topic: "Energy and natural resources. The energy crisis and its consequences. "
As a "big missing" featured geothermal the Greek Society rechargeable portable fan for the Environment and Culture. It is a gentle and inexhaustible energy source, hidden in the earth, often makes its presence felt with hot springs and vapor remains the most unknown renewable energy source in Greece.
Basically it is the heat emitted from within the earth and the heat resulting from the geological rechargeable portable fan formations, surface water or groundwater. The temperature of the geothermal fluid or vapor varies from region to region, and usually range from 25 C to 360 C. As we move deeper into the earth's surface to the nucleus, we observe an increase in temperature, which is called the geothermal gradient.
Near-surface geothermal gradient averages about 30 C / km. In some areas, or due to a recent volcanic geological period, or because hot water rising from deep cracks through the geothermal gradient is significantly greater than the average earth, resulting in a small depth to aquifers encountered which contain high water or steam temperature. These areas are called geothermal fields there and the exploitation of geothermal energy is extremely advantageous. Where geothermal fluids are temperature above 150 C, geothermal energy is mainly used to produce electricity.
The main thermal use of geothermal energy worldwide rechargeable portable fan regard to heating greenhouses. It is still used in aquaculture, where animals aquatic organisms, but also for district heating, ie heating all buildings, settlements, villages or cities. This is achieved by using a geothermal heat pump, which allowed the heat transfer to and from the ground to produce cooling, heating and hot water for residential and larger scale applications.
Geothermal energy and thermal waters were known in ancient Greece. The hot springs rechargeable portable fan were considered in antiquity to have healing properties and therefore the Asclepieia rechargeable portable fan and other sacred places were close to them. The demigod Hercules was connected to the hot springs and many hot springs were called "Baths of Hercules." Important are the references of Hippocrates for the beneficial effects of hot water.
and Japan, with a plethora rechargeable portable fan of evidence in mythology and history, and to the old native inhabitants of America thousands of years ago. The oldest known if I may use the Spa oros- having found the stone pool on China's Lisan mountain built in the 3rd century BC The Etruscans and the Romans used the hot water not only for healing purposes, but also for heating homes.
In modern times, the first industrial use of geothermal held at Larderello, Italy, where since the beginning rechargeable portable fan of the 19th century rechargeable portable fan used superheated steam to produce boric acid and heating buildings. In the same area, in 1904, became the first successful attempt to produce electricity, using physical vapor coming out with pressure. Today there produced rechargeable portable fan 2.5 billion. KWh / year. Reykjavik: Unit utilizing geothermal
The first systematic use of geothermal heating, greenhouses and buildings began in the 1920s in Iceland. Today, most of the population of Iceland and across the capital Reykjavik are heated with geothermal fluids, and there is a multitude of other applications (electricity, heating greenhouses and swimming pools, aquaculture, mineral drying, etc.). It is worth noting that, due to non-use rechargeable portable fan oil for heating, Reykjavik is considered to have cleaner air capital of the world. Reykjavik, Blue Lagoon area
The example rechargeable portable fan of Iceland imitated many countries of Europe, America and Asia. Today, o number of countries that have been involved in geothermal energy by exploiting the heat exceeds 70 in power, except Italy, entangled N. Zealand, the USA, Japan, Mexico , the Philippines, Indonesia and several countries in Central America and Africa (Kenya), while in Europe, France and Germany, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Slovakia, Greece and Turkey. rechargeable portable fan
The largest group of geothermal power plants in
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