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For example, the bedroom of the parents that is specially kept cooler (cooler in the direction of lower temperature, not having fresh air - is a widespread confusion that of the cool and fresh air - many will have to sleep in a room cool, too bad that the air is old and exhausted, but cool! ... according to them).
Take a house with walls 30cm thick solid brick: U = 1.80 W / mqK about, even worse. 20 C - (1.80 * 0.13) * (temp.int. 20 C - Outside Temp 0 C) 20 C - (0.234) * (20 C) 20 C - (4, 68) = 15.32 C If the indoor air temperature of 20 C and a relative state of minnesota self service humidity of 50% everything seems in order, first of all very well, but when the air is in contact with the wall surface too Cold (15.32 C), there greatly increases the relative humidity, we are no longer 50% but already at 70%. Remember the Mollier diagram? In this table, it is easier to read the results ready:
You may have mold without necessarily arrive in situations of condensate, even if the internal surface temperature never drops until the dew point is the duration of the situation that is dangerous.
Of course, everything comes from the outside temperature, the isolation and the 'thermal inertia of the walls and floors, but it is the situation of temperature and humidity that causes state of minnesota self service the problem.
The geometry and the conductivity of the materials have the most important weight. But the risk of mold concerns usually heavy structures (slower), while the condensate in the structures read.
Legislative Decree 311/2006 and Presidential Decree 59/2009 does not define the external conditions to be used for verification of the condensate. It could mean having to refer to ISO 13788 which provides for the condensation occurs only on light structures. state of minnesota self service (Outside air temperature, average minimum annual outdoor humidity 95%)
Tweet This entry was posted in building physics x denied, mildew and tagged condensation, mold, surface temperature, hygrometer on January 24, 2013 by Frederick Sampaoli. Post navigation I want to plaster 's clay everywhere, Tadelakt Designing state of minnesota self service the internal surface temperature
from specification says only that VANDEX IC can be injected in the following building materials: any type of mortar stone walls with natural or artificial mineral mortar bedding (open capillary) brickwork state of minnesota self service sandstone walls is not suitable for the walls of granite and limestone without mortar.
It 'good state of minnesota self service to know they can rely on competent people like her and care for the environment, however, really thank you for the valuable advice, but the cream of the Vandex it's good enough for the concrete walls? in the video I only saw brick walls - stone and stone walls? returning to the calcium silicate think you 'to remove the old plaster at least up to a height of 70-80 cm or' more 'safe remove everything up to the ceiling? and the fact that I get along very well in the "do it yourself '" rintonacare with a product specialist ... .quale? give me the directions on the manufacturers and / or retailers, I live 12 miles south of Bassano del Grappa (VI) - and then the concrete wall "air" once restored with plaster and 'sufficient or e' provide better even with the silicate?
Federico thanks for the valuable information, a prev
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