Post presented the burger at the Riverside Studios in Hammersmith, London, in front of more than 200 journalists and guests. "Today's presentation is only a proof of concept nacho chip that it is not science fiction," he said. "However, there is still an efficiency issue and it remains expensive to develop." Post spent four years researching and developing the burger nacho chip beef cultivated. He said he tasted it a couple of times during his research. "I would be perfectly comfortable with letting my kids eat it." The children nacho chip she might have to wait a while to get a bite of burger him. Burger beef cultivated cost around $ 330,000 to develop, mostly funded through nacho chip an anonymous donation. The first Burger stem cells in the world cooked and eaten in London today. "I nacho chip think most people do not realize that the current meat production is at its maximum. We need to come up with an alternative, "Post emphasized. nacho chip Meat consumption is expected to rise nearly 73% by 2050, according to United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Post hopes that his research in the laboratory-made food could solve the food crisis emerged. nacho chip He says cultured beef does not burden the environment and will put an end to animal cruelty. The developers hope that cultured beef could end up on supermarket shelves in the next few years 10 to 20. The next step for Post and his team will work on how to get fat in the burger. Another challenge. Two volunteers nacho chip got to taste five ounces (142g) burger, which was presented on a plate with a salad of bread and some tomato slices. After the first bite and chew time thoughtfully for many, Hanni Rutzler, an Australian food trend researcher, said: "I hope to be more soft texture - it's not that juicy It closed in meat but it lacks salt and pepper. ". Volunteers in the second flavor it was agreed that the burger was missing something. Josh Schonwald, a Chicago-based author who writes about the future of food, said: "It has a familiar mouth-feel real meat flavor is different nacho chip though it lacks fat ..." The brainchild of Mark Post Maastricht University, was the burger made of 20,000 small section of meat grown in muscle cells a cow, it took three months to create. Bread and some egg powder are added to make it taste like beef cultivated a beef burger stall. Give it a beefy color, red beet juice and saffron were added. Chef Richard McGeown fried burger stem cells and sunflower oil and butter nacho chip and noticed that she looked a little pale than a traditional burger.
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