Saturday, November 9, 2013

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"Age of the earth" - Workshop No. 1 - Translated by Marc Rozkalns
People believe it, I understand it. But it does not make it science.
Currently, we, the whole family, operate the ministry, and I already have four grandchildren. how to make cheese for nachos
Some people look at the world and say, "You know, it's how to make cheese for nachos amazing that all of this from scratch has created a Big Bang." It's a humanist view of life, based on the theory of evolution.
Well, if evolution is true, you came from cosmic belch before 20 billion years.
The second thing he had said to the woman: "You will not surely die." (1st Moses 3:4)
They teach their people that if you'd be a good Mormon, you must reach the sky and become a god. And if you'd be a good Mormon wife, you will get to heaven and'd be eternally pregnant, giving birth young souls.
You're not God, all right? Nor Christ. Walk on water ever want to see it.
Just remember who won. I know that it is not over yet, right?
And they said that South spiders live in trees. And when they died, the legs bow upright and starts overgrowing with mold on the dead spider legs.
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Once, a boy said to me, "What's the matter, Hovind, or you do not like beer?"
We had over 50 000 visitors in the early years when the park opened.
And how much your mom pay you to be good?
About an issue do you think? How do you do?
... Causing resistance should be reduced or eliminated turbulence. Clear?
Is the earth is 4.5 billion years old? No! But if you say to the first grade, he happened to you.
"No, that exactly are you talking about?" This word has 6 meanings. Are we talking about cosmic evolution - time, space and matter evolution? It, and I do not believe in the big bang. We'll talk about in a minute.
I am about nestrīdēšos probably it was. But in any five-year old child knows that they are of the same genus. I'll show you.
The Bible says that animals have to be born by their genus. Charles Darwin wrote a book, here's the book "The Origin of Species." You see, the dog and the wolf is the same animal species, but different species.
Make sure that children believe this. You know, I become a bit old-fashioned.
All who I sit next to on an airplane, wants to talk about, well, then I shall also speak.
Incidentally, the word Universe (English. "Universe") is derived from the Latin words: "Uni" which means "one" and "verse", which means "made the sentence".
This textbook says, "One day, after billions of years, all the matter and energy will once again be flattened how to make cheese for nachos in a small space, which is greater than the point of this sentence. Then there will be another Big Bang. ...
Becoming bigger, it became how to make cheese for nachos filled with even more stuff that appeared out of nowhere.
Alan Guts wrote in "Scientific how to make cheese for nachos American" (transl. "Scientific American"): "The observable universe could arise from infinitesimal region." (Hebrew it is a "point")
I said, "Lord, I have a question. You said that 20 billion years ago all the dust blended together in a large mass, large whirlpool and a large explosion. From where did the dust? "Who created matter? He said: "We do not know."
I said, "Well, sir, do not tell yet. If I'm going to say that I believe that prior to about 6000 years ago God created the heavens and the earth, you might ask - where from the God? I have no idea. "
By the way, here's the two-time chart behind me is on the same subject.
He said: "Of course. What more do you want to know? "
(This was before they diagnosed how to make cheese for nachos him: Attention Deficit Disorder. Meanwhile, my brother was in fourth grade, we all knew that he would be after graduating from high school - thirty-!)
Consequently, he will be confronted with resistance - a tree or post.
And why are these nine planets so different from each other? When they emerged from the Big Bang, why are they so different?
Big Bang will soon come to us.
Serious, really serious problems exist with the Big Bang theory. Even Fred Hoyle (Fred Hoyle) said: "I how to make cheese for nachos have a little jāvilcinās saying that coffin Spread barely hovers above the Big Bang Theory."
Nothing does not get better by itself. It is taught in the Bible. "And: You are at the beginning, Lord, you founded the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your fingers. They shall perish, but thou stay, all of the clothes sadils "(Hebrews how to make cheese for nachos 1:10-11)
You see, the Japanese added a bunch of energy Pearl Harbor. They tell us nothing nesakārtoja, is not it?
Children listen carefully. Do not drink coffee! Because if you drink coffee how to make cheese for nachos while you are young, then when you

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