Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Finierrūpniecības specific needs in the form prepared by the database and their mathematical bases

Tautvaldība " Finierrūpniecība "(cont.)
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Dr.. sc. ing. Leon Kokins article "Finierrūpniecība" (published on December 19, 2007) along with many other residents of proposals sent was added to the Society "Tautvaldība" application Ministry of Education alfa tek and Science T.Koķe (28 March 2008). And Minister for Education and Science staff prepared their reply (which signed the final version), which received the 2008 July 24 finierrūpniecības issue was not addressed.
Since the response from the Ministry of significantly alfa tek delayed (the legislative requirements of the response time - up to 1 MENU.), Then repeatedly alfa tek turned to the Ministry of Education staff to discuss when you will be available to answer and got the document, which was under construction, which was written "The idea of training manuals and product finierrūpniecībā alfa tek wood science students alfa tek the issue would be welcomed. We believe that such a book publishing Latvian would be desirable, but the Ministry does not have the necessary financial resources to cover the following books. To address this issue to the Education Innovation Fund. "Next, read L.Kokina comment: alfa tek
Magazine landlord (2005th and 2006th g. Rooms in five) of the journal Energy and World (2006th and 2007th g. Four rooms), the magazine Baltic Wood (78th, 85th, 87th, 88th, 92nd room) expenses and other publications dealt with original database up to date (often complex) to read the results of calculations with the realistic calculation of basic data unlimited variation. Wood processors, students and other stakeholders for the proposed tens of such databases alfa tek of items prepared so that users can only change the source data for the calculation, but the calculation results of pre-programmed alfa tek mathematical relationships, and other explanatory texts protected against unacceptable changes. This will ensure alfa tek proper use of databases of different types and levels of training, inženieruzdevumu and other theoretical and practical issues, replacing and developing the above and are still widely used guide many new features for use in quality.
Finierrūpniecības specific needs in the form prepared by the database and their mathematical bases included unedited manuscript book, conceived as previously used extensive manual (Справочник фанерщика with 830 pages., And Справочник по производству фанеры 440 p.) Alternate on-going learning tool for students as comprehensive motivated newspaper Education and Culture 2007th g. 8th March (3025th) number 16th page. publication and re-published on 19.12.2007. complemented and improved version here: http://www.tautvaldiba.lv/?p=231.
Featured Database enables to switch to learning and using advanced method - significantly reducing the amount of information to be memorized, training duration and probability of error varied data processing (computing), the results of the analysis of the optimal variant selection and use. The method is recommended to use a set of interrelated knowledge levels of training and independent studies, alfa tek as indicated in the following list: 1) to address the challenges with the existing techniques (without use of databases) methods for the identification and comparison purposes, for example, the calculation of a certain species of wood moisture by weight and volume heat of combustion units, wood density, shrinkage and swelling values of wood equilibrium moisture and other parameters, 2) of the data bases of all parameters and nature (purposefully changing the basis of the raw data) to read the results of calculations to compare them with the past (the first in the family)-generated and the use of practical needs, and 3) to compare and analyze databases of targeted raw data and calculation of the result set, formulate relevant conclusions, alfa tek 4) to explore and develop the database of possible mathematical justifications, thus extending their expertise and their practical use; 5) to supplement the existing and the development of other right-looking versions of different databases for these purposes, such as multiple parameters at the different air pressure with a variety of output data parameters, as conceived magazine Baltic Wood 2006th alfa tek g. October alfa tek number [No. 10th (78th), 38 ... 40th page.] article about wood moisture conditioning and žūšanaas environmental parameters selection.
The proposed database to the benefits can certainly make sure that after the first two levels of knowledge acquisition, such as setting the first paragraph, and yet another parameter values for the two methods. In-depth knowledge apgvē (from 3rd to 5th level), the introduction of individual research elements alfa tek necessary to issue a thorough professional research and logical

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