In Russian we call this thick muck of translucent jar with a yellow lid "steam table", "bovril", temperature table "vegemayt" or simply "oil", temperature table which of course is not true. Black-brown mass of yeast is a byproduct of the beer production process. Very salty, with a persistent temperature table smell of Unilever's products or like, or causing consumers desire to hold his nose and squinting. I, as you can understand, Marmite respect, love, and sometimes eat. Metered.
According to the psychological perception of something like a Russian ёbkuyu mustard, which is a thin layer on black bread smeared. In the British colonies for some time it was thought that the smell repels mosquitoes Marmite, temperature table scientific evidence of this fact is not.
In the world of a few companies have the rights to sell their versions of the product. In England, Marmite, Australia - Vegemite, which is written for idiots that no animals were harmed and vegetarian items. New Zealand Marmite variety goes well with chips and morning toast instead of jam with a thick rind, who immediately called the marmalade. Yeast extract is very caloric and useful: contains large amounts of iron and vitamin B 12.
Advertising is a cultural phenomenon is not easy, so the workers are turned advertayzmenta scope as they can. So in 2007 he appeared teleekeranah teddy bear in the raincoat, which instead of marmalade on toast morning smears Marmite. Passers-by who were trying to treat dainty little animal, terrified shy and gets into trouble.
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I think the second poster refers to mullets in general, not Rod Stuart. Marmite sammies are awsome. Also, Cheese English temperature table muffin, oozing with butter, spread with marmite and a bit of fake cheese. But this is definitely a sometime meal, as Elmo says :)
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