Wednesday, May 20, 2015

We refer to the difference between the apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude (m - M) Distance m

We will then look to see that each star is not the same color, but the color is the star classification into four categories: red, orange, yellow and white, each color represents temperature of the star. White stars that represent the most heat. The red star that minimal heat. The color is similar to the color of the metal that is being burned. At first it was red hot before. Later, when the temperature rises, ortega chili its color will change until a white algae eventually. But astronomers have identified the color of a star as it is the temperature of seven major types of color temperature of the star, then the star will tell. You can also tell the age of the star. The youngest stars have high surface temperatures and blue. The aging star nearing the end of life will have a red star called a red giant with a low surface temperature. Each star will have the same core elements, ortega chili including hydrogen and helium. All the energy of the star caused by thermal nuclear reactions at the core of a star, but things are different stellar mass, temperature, size, age, skin color, brightness, distance from the earth elemental. And different evolution
Looking at the sky They found that stars of a different color. The color of a star that is associated with a surface temperature ortega chili of the star. Astronomers have been divided according to the color and the surface temperature of the star into seven main types of luminance (Brightness) is the energy that the star emitted per unit time. Watts / square meter. But because the human eye is not precise enough to identify this power level. Astronomers therefore compare the brightness ortega chili of stars, which are called the "magnitude" (Magnitude) When we speak of defeats against standards in general, we mean. "Apparent magnitude" (Apparent magnitude), which refers to rank the brightness of the stars visible from Earth. Two hundred years before Christ hip Spa Locator (Hipparchus) Greek philosopher has defined the brightness of stars as the star of the brightest in the sky with a magnitude one bright star is half of the first magnitude, two chase. This comes down to magnitude 6, which is the brightest star minimally visible. Later in the church of the 19th century, astronomers determined that star magnitude one light is 100 times that of star magnitude 6, so the brightness of magnitude varies 2.512 times since (2.512) 5 100 Table 1. You can calculate the difference between magnitude. Using a formula comparing the luminance.
Table 1. The relationship between the magnitude ortega chili shown. And the apparent brightness The difference in apparent magnitude m 1 - m 2 ratio of the apparent brightness (b 1 / b 2) 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 2.512 (2.512) ortega chili ^ 2 = 6.31 (2.512) ^ 3 = 15.83 (2.512). ^ 4 = 39.82 (2.512) ^ 5 = 100 (2.512) ^ 6 = 10 000 (2.512) ^ 7 = 1,000,000 (2.512) ^ 8 = 100 million.
We can easily calculate ortega chili To compare the brightness of stars such as Venus is the brightest planet in the sky with a magnitude -4 at least the brightest stars visible to the naked eye are magnitude 6 stars both have different magnitude 6. - (-4) = 10 from Table 1 that the brightness difference can be noted that 10,000 times. Very bright stars are magnitude less. The brightest stars are magnitude lot less. So bright objects such as the sun, moon and Venus has an apparent magnitude negative. As illustrated in Table 2
Table 2 Sample No. apparent magnitude of a celestial object. Martinez defeats celestial magnitude -1.5 -26.5 -4 -12 6 10 15 20 25 sun moon, Venus is the brightest planet in the sky, the star Sirius, the brightest planet in the sky. The least luminous stars that are visible to the naked eye. Stellar's brightest, most visible with binoculars Pluto least luminous object visible with a telescope. Minimal bright ortega chili objects photographed by telescopes. As already mentioned above that. When referring to the magnitude general. We mean apparent magnitude This show is the light that observers from the world. In the study, astronomers need to compare the actual energy use of each star value. "The absolute magnitude" (Absolute Magnitude), which assumes that if a star were 10 parsecs from Earth (one light year = 3.26 parsecs) would be much magnitude as the Sun has an apparent magnitude -26.5, but if we stay. 10 parsecs away from the sun, the sun is only apparent magnitude +4.6, so when we say that we are on Earth. Sun will have the absolute magnitude +4.6, we can calculate the absolute magnitude using the formula m - M = 5 log d - 5.
We refer to the difference between the apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude (m - M) Distance modulus if we know that the apparent magnitude and distance of stars. We will know the absolute magnitude shown in Table 3. Table 3 The relationship between the magnitude shown. The absolute magnitude and the apparent magnitude - absolute magnitude m - M distance d (Parsec) -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.3 10 16 25 40 63,100,103. 104 105 Example ortega chili 2: Dark Star Hearts (Beta Centauri) in the constellation of the animals. 100 parsecs from Earth has an apparent magnitude of 0.6 it is how much the absolute magnitude.
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