Q: At the end of a test, it seems that on 6 October, she received from thirty people present, spontaneous applause to seal the success of proof. Then she said that it was + was one of the happiest of her life. Unlike today, it seems to us that getting the recognition he deserves his scientific work is, for her, a secondary or even unimportant. And this despite the fact that such recognition would allow the science to sell its power at once, easily and without any worries. Can you explain r245fa properties this apparent contradiction? After all, what secrets might carpirle a black-box testing calorimetric run by the University of Bologna, under his supervision .... !! She does not care just get a round of applause but not from 30 to 3 billion people?
Q: In the technological and commercial development of future power 1MW, you said yourself that you would be required to place the individual modules r245fa properties + and not just in parallel but in series. In doing so, the cooling fluid exiting from the first E-Cat would be further heated by the successive places in series, so as to obtain the fluid with temperature + high, useful for producing, r245fa properties for example, electricity. But in this case, namely in the following modules to the first, still have a role resistors "Ignition and control" that the individual E-Cat served to trigger the reaction?
Q: What technology to complement the E-Cat, she thinks is the most promising r245fa properties or at least the most suitable, including existing ones, in order to complement the "boiler E-Cat" r245fa properties for the production of electrical energy? Stirling engine? Turbine? Anything else?
The responses typically lace-ups of 'Ing. Rossi to our questions, can be inferred, however, some elements of both technical and commercial r245fa properties development that help to have a clearer picture of the future development of the' E-cat:
a) First, the assertion on electric heaters. If ONLY serve as ignition and initial r245fa properties control of the phenomenon, that is, if they served ONLY to do what they have done so far in the various tests carried out, there would be no need to secrete their future operation.
b) Carnot cycle: anyone with a knowledge of physics or thermodynamics r245fa properties knows that it is the ideal cycle with which we measure the maximum limit of the efficiency of a heat engine. Join the Carnot cycle, r245fa properties implies r245fa properties regimes of temperatures, pressures and volumes precise that discriminate in favor of some other heat engines. I do not have the knowledge necessary to make assumptions. Among the readers engineers or physicists surely there will be someone who will be able to assess what the real machine r245fa properties operates in the most efficient between two isothermal and two adiabatic. This response would seem to exclude the Stirling r245fa properties engine that operates with another cycle. However also gas turbines operating on other cycles. So what? We would like to accommodate your opinion.
c) The engineer Rossi insists that the voices of popular shareholding are unfounded. And 'exactly the behavior that I expect from a responsible entrepreneur, who thinks first and foremost to the safety of its product and that of investors. And 'exactly the opposite of the behavior that I would expect from a person trying to scrape together money by cheating people.
I think Eng. Rossi has cited Carnot to simplify, in reality the cycle to be used for a system of power generation is the Rankine cycle as it is very difficult, if not impossible to stop the condensation to a specific title of wet steam (very low however) to low temperature, and even more complicated and risky in term of wear of any impeller pump the wet steam (with title very low) to the equilibrium pressure at high temperature, as it should do to get the Carnot cycle. It is much easier to back basssa fully condense the steam temperature r245fa properties and pump the condensate (water) to the desired pressure as required by the Rankine cycle. Of course, the Rankine cycle has a yield of less than the Carnot cycle, however with appropriate overheating and / or extractions can be achieved thermodynamic efficiency very close (a few percent less) than the ideal cycle, the fact of Carnot. The above may seem complicated but it is not for those who know the curve "bell" Andrews and the Mollier diagram. Things are not difficult but requires a bit 'of study.
Mr. Smith is becoming a bit cryptic. Would not it be easier r245fa properties to answer: ".. r245fa properties I think that adhere to the Rankine cycle ..."? If you want to be evasive r245fa properties could respond r245fa properties as he had done for the previous question & qu
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