Saturday, October 4, 2014

The purpose of this study is that students know the recent history of the basin of Ptolemais and ho

The purpose of this study is that students know the recent history of the basin of Ptolemais and how it has evolved in recent years in the energy center of Greece. To investigate the actual size of the problems (mainly health) caused by improper operation of factories and seek privileges should enjoy as residents of the most important industrial region of our country.
How to create lignite? The electricity produced from different materials .A of them is lignite. But what is lignite and what gives? Lignite is a mineral. Is carbon (charcoal) with reddish color. Created by plants and trees that grow beside States who, crushed by landslides over the years. To create lignite must spend many millions to billions of years. Geologists after surveys identified large deposits of lignite in Greece in the following areas: Aliveri, Ptolemais, Megalopolis, Drama, minor, Florina. PPC dimiourgiselignitika centers and power stations (picture) Aliveri Evia 1952, in Ptolemais and Kozani in 1957 in Megalopolis, Arcadia in 1970 still remain untapped large deposits in minor and Drama, while lignite center Aliveriou no longer works . Centers exist in the lignite mines. Mine is a deep and wide crater (pit), which is divided into clay levels. The depth of the crater can be up to three hundred (300) feet. The mines are large machinery, excavators (picture), which start digging the soil. In this soil is lignite, but there are many mixed waste material (infertile soils). Once the separation of these materials, dr sebi electric food list lignite placed on conveyor belts (picture), while the depositor barren soils are placed dr sebi electric food list in specific areas. The belts drive the clean coal to powerhouse. There is combusted and the generated electric current. The conveyors are returning back to mine lignite load and get back to the way the plant. The mines and power plants operated continuously night and day, all year, all weather conditions in order to avoid problems in the electrification of the country. It is important to note that the Company when the lignite deposits in some place finish, environmental care to restore dr sebi electric food list the mine site. More specifically repositioned in the crater of the mine the barren earth and there created ponds, dr sebi electric food list planted trees, flowers etc. Notably planted over seven million dr sebi electric food list (7,000,000) trees. In addition there have been several experimental cultures (figure), has created a greenhouse in Ptolemais and seating rearing game birds and Megalopolis. In D.. Macedonia established six (6) Power stations lignite. The total installed capacity of the station is about 4.500 MW. Each station dr sebi electric food list consists of individual units and in most cases, a station consists dr sebi electric food list of four (4) units. The use of steam power plants is done so that the chemical energy of coal to be converted into electricity. Lignite is transferred from the extraction point in power stations using conveyors and stored dr sebi electric food list either in the Court of lignite or driven directly to the shredder they shatter into pieces with a maximum diameter of 4 cm and then transferred to the silo lignite units. The combustion of coal occurs in the boiler unit where the thermal energy released from burning coal vaporizes the water, thereby creating superheated steam. The superheated steam (H / F) expands the high pressure turbine where it produced useful work. Then, the steam is led back to the boiler to heat up, namely to raise the temperature and then expanded in turbine medium and low pressure, where additional work is produced. Then, the steam enters the refrigerator where the unit is concentrated in a cooling dr sebi electric food list water. The condensed steam is longer, by means of pumps, preheated dr sebi electric food list using heat exchangers and pumps driven by the boiler again completing a thermal cycle. The thermal energy dissipated by the cooling water is discharged dr sebi electric food list into a cooling tower where the method of irrigating dr sebi electric food list a quantity of water is lost in the form of vapor and droplets. The shaft rpm

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