Sunday, January 18, 2015

A. Introduction The chemicals can be found anywhere within the same dam as plant or water, naturall

A. Introduction The chemicals can be found anywhere within the same dam as plant or water, naturally occurring chemicals in the environment. All objects are composed of chemicals, including our food, drinks, self service cmsv clothing, medicine, herbs and even ourselves. Although often thought that if a naturally occurring chemicals in the environment, then the substance is not harmful, sometimes that happens precisely the opposite. In fact, a natural chemical substances or their derivatives same toxic to humans and the environment by man-made chemicals such as pesticides, therapeutic drugs and solvents or solvent used in the industry. B. Objective The objective of this paper are: 1. Knowing any waste generated in the processing of antibiotics in pharmaceutical companies, especially acetone. 2. Knowing what effect caused by the presence of acetone contained in waste water. 3. Knowing regulations governing waste?
C. Theory and Discussion 1. Toxic and Hazardous Substances (B3) hazard self service cmsv condition is chemical or physical characteristics inherent in the chemicals (inherent characteristics) that have the potential to cause pain, injury, harm or death (death). Hazardous: properties that can bring in / lead to the realization of the hazard. Hazardous Waste (USA) means a solid waste or combination of solid wastes, the which because of its quantity, concentration, physical or chemical properties may cause or Significantly self service cmsv Contribute to an increase of in mortality, serious irreversible, incapacitating reversible and illness. Basic Approach of Hazardous Waste Classification (1): o Classification by describing the waste in a more qualitative way by indicating: type, origin and constituents of the waste o More scientific approach defining the classification of waste by on certain characteristics Generally involving testing standards self service cmsv / procedures self service cmsv ( LD 50, LC 50) Basic Approach of Hazardous Waste Classification (2): o Definition of the waste is association with concentration limit of harmful substances: the presence of certain components in a listed hazardous waste beyond a defined concentration (TLV or PEL) makes the waste a hazardous self service cmsv waste To distinguish the level / type of hazardous chemicals used using the Hazard Identification Coding System (ICS) or also called hazard diamond (HD)
2. Aceton Aceton is a chemical that is colorless and is a liquid or volatile liquid. Smells like mint or slightly sweet. Molecular weight of 58.08 with the formula C-H3-C (O) -C-H3. Boiling point reaches 133o F (56o C), the freezing point -139o F (-95o C). The vapor pressure of 180 mm Hg @ 20 sebesat C, and the vapor density of 2.0 (air = 1) and the pH is not known. Including classification ketone acetone, which evaporates very quickly. In addition, also known as dimethyl ketone, 2-propanone, betaketopropane. On pressure and temperature and normal pressure bersifar relatively stable. Conditions to be avoided are: Avoid heat, flames, self service cmsv percikap fire and combustion sources. Container of acetone may rupture and explode when exposed to heat. Acetone self service cmsv can not be stored together with acids, amines, halogen, halo carbon, oxidizing materials, metal salts, peroxides, flammable materials and bases. Acetone soluble in water, and is used for cleaning. Typically used by companies plastics, self service cmsv fiber, medicine and chemical plants. Acetone is a hazardous self service cmsv material, flammable and is usually the volatile materials. The vapors can cause sparks and harmful if swallowed or inhaled. May cause irritation to skin, eyes and respiratory self service cmsv disorders. It also can affect self service cmsv the nervous system works. Based on the hazard diamond (HD), acetone can be seen in the hazard diamond (HD) above. The red color on the hazard diamond indicates fire hazard. Fire hazard indicate that the material is classified based on the level of danger of flash point. The lower the flash point, then the material will be more dangerous. For acetone included in the scale 3, with a flash point of less than 100o F. Box with blue indicates health hazard. Health Hazard shows the effects of hazardous substances on human health. acetone included in the scale 1, with hazardnya level is a little dangerous. The yellow color in diamonds showed reactivity hazard, ie the level of chemical reactivity and type of hazard posed. Acetone included in the reactivity scale of 0, so the type of reactivity self service cmsv is not reactive.
3. Potential Effects on Health a. If inhaled When inhaling vapors of acetone could cause respiratory problems. Which can cause coughing, dizziness and headache. The concentration of acetone in high amounts when inhaled can cause central nervous system depression, necrosis and unconsciousness. Vapor concentration of approximately 1000 ppm may cause mild irritation yes

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