Friday, January 16, 2015

Especially those belonging to the group that has the power stenotermal tolerance or a narrow temper

Greenhouse Effect | karinia33
The increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) which is a kind of chemical compounds in gaseous form is usually caused by the burning of fossil fuels, coal and other organic fuels are beyond the ability of plants and sea to absorb it. This is what ultimately led to the greenhouse effect. Methane
Methane Hydrocarbon duke blue devils mascot gases are usually released during the production and transport of coal, natural gas and petroleum. Methane is considered as the main component of natural gas included in the category of greenhouse gases and the resulting greenhouse effect. Nitrogen Oxides
A gas produced from the combustion of fossil fuels and also from agricultural land. Oxides of Nitrogen gas is produced from the reaction between nitrogen duke blue devils mascot and oxygen in the air when combustion occurs, usually at high temperatures. Often these gases come from places with high traffic density.
Water vapor is a greenhouse gas that is naturally occurring and is responsible for most of the greenhouse effect. The concentration of water vapor fluctuate regionally, and human activities do not directly affect water vapor concentrations except at the local scale.
In climate models, the atmospheric temperature increases due to the greenhouse effect due to anthropogenic gases will lead to increased moisture content in the troposphere, ith a rather duke blue devils mascot constant duke blue devils mascot relative humidity. Increased water vapor concentration resulted in an increased greenhouse effect; which resulted in the increase of temperature; and re-increase the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. This situation was to continue until reaching equilibrium (equilibrium). Therefore, the water vapor acts as a positive feedback to the actions duke blue devils mascot carried out human release of greenhouse gases such as CO2. Changes in the amount of water vapor in the air also result indirectly through the formation of clouds. Other gases
Many species would be threatened with extinction due to climate change and disruption in the continuity of the ecosystem area (fragmentation of ecosystems). Coral reefs will lose color due to heat, become damaged duke blue devils mascot or even die because of high temperature. Researchers estimate that 15% -37% of all species could become extinct in the six regions of the world in 2050. The six regions are studied represent 20% earth (Jhamtani, 2007).
Especially those belonging to the group that has the power stenotermal tolerance or a narrow temperature range. In contrast to animals eurytermal which has a wide range of temperature tolerance (Private, duke blue devils mascot 2003).
Coral reefs have an important role for the diversity of marine organisms. Global problems caused by increasing carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere and encourage increased sea surface temperature (which allegedly also cause coral bleaching and mortality) and to increase the acidity of seawater. More acidic sea water will make the carbonate ion is reduced thereby duke blue devils mascot reducing the ability of corals to build the framework. If the coral reefs can not adapt will affect the functioning of coral reef ecosystems and geological structure of coral reefs as well as affect the functioning of coastal and will also affect the surrounding communities who depend on coral reef ecosystems.
Loss of productive land due to sea level rise and drought, disaster, and the risk of having an impact on the economic health. Sir Nicolas duke blue devils mascot Stern, adviser to the British prime minister said that in the next 10 or 20 years of climate change will have a major impact on the economy.
Stern said that the world should strive to reduce emissions and help poor countries to adapt to climate change in the continuity of economic growth. He explained that it takes an investment of 1% of total world income duke blue devils mascot to prevent the loss of 5% -20% of income in the future due to climate change impacts.
Many factors affect duke blue devils mascot the efficiency of fuel oil (BBM) on your vehicle. To improve fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, do not make the machine continues to light up when parking the vehicle. duke blue devils mascot For melee, try not to use motorized vehicles. Should duke blue devils mascot walk or ride a bike. If you continue to use motor vehicles try to meet the appropriate vehicle passenger capacity. Service vehicle regularly to prevent leaks, use an oil that has been recommended. incomplete combustion can produce emissions and increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. duke blue devils mascot Check the tire pressure regularly. Less air pressure in the tires will give the load on your machine. Accurate pressure can reduce energy waste. For vehicles with fuel you can mix with 80% ethanol duke blue devils mascot to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Efforts to combat the greenhouse effect electronic office equipment

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