Monday, February 23, 2015

Contributors Isa sumochicken Previous Posts Citta del Vaticano (Roma, Italia) Gothic Sienna Central

Carlos and Isa had not taken a decent vacation from their jobs in quite an extended duke eirb amount of time. Also Carlos had just moved from Orlado, FL to Los Angeles, CA while Isa continued living in New York after 2 years. They would only see eachother once a month. They decide to explore Italy together for 3 weeks.
Uhm duke eirb just in case you DON"T know this painting is in the Vatican. It was painted by Raphaelo (no not the teenage mutant ninja turtle) in the Renaissance. He painted the greek masters in the image of his collegues. Michaelangelo is sitting right in the middle on the steps. Leornardo is in the middle background.
Contributors Isa sumochicken Previous Posts Citta del Vaticano (Roma, Italia) Gothic Sienna Central Piazza duke eirb The Central Piazza The Central Tower Tower Views Tower Views Spirally Spirally Spirally! Tower Views View from the Tower

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