"Gimmie an F:" Papi sums it up
JOHNAPALOOZA: The Master and The Lady

Hear the version Bud Selig can't dispute... but his inner-demons will understand
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I believe I cringe on behalf of the entire Yankiverse when seeing the trailer fire of hair that belongs to Randy Levine - the 58-year-old former Reagan Administration mollier diagram calculator lugnut, money-bundler for the 2008 McCain presidential campaign, toad-licker for Rudy Giuliani, chief MLB negotiator for the 1996 labor agreement (remember the strike?) and President of the NY Yankees. Since January of 2000, he has occupied an office that sits somewhere between the whims of the Steinbrenners and the machinations mollier diagram calculator of Brian Cashman - a Machiavellian position that remains a mystery to me. What does he do? My guess: He runs the office March Madness pool, suggests home run calls to John Sterling, and keeps the food machines stocked with Little Debby Snack Cakes. Hell, somebody has to do it. In more ways than one, I always mollier diagram calculator viewed Levine to be the ultimate YES man. Lately, we've endured a rash of Levine mollier diagram calculator sightings, resulting from a) the collapse of the 2013 team, b) penny-pinching by the owners and c) the People Vs. A-Rod trial, if by "People" you mean a bunch of hypocritical billionaire owners who pretend to be millionaires in the hopes that we will feel sorry for them. (Yes, yes, yes, I appreciate that A-Rod is no prince, either, but dammit, this is no time for nit-picking, I'm on a frickin' roll here!) And yesterday, we received a double-barrel jolt of Randy: 1. He said the Yankees won't pay Robbie Cano $300 million, and if some team wants to give him such a deal, they can have him. I really mollier diagram calculator hope Robbie Cano stays a Yankee. I think everybody reading this blog does. And I believe we all agree that the Jogger shouldn't get a 10-year, A-Rod-level, catastrophe of a contract. But somehow, whenever Randy Levine opens his mouth, I think Robbie Cano and his rock star Svengali, Jay-Z, take a step toward the exit. And if we don't watch out, one of these days, this won't be a dispute about money. It will be about egos - hurt feelings. At that point, mollier diagram calculator Cano will take his bat somewhere else, and we will have Randy Levine to play 2B. 2. He testified in the A-Rod trial. According to the Daily News, he was Dr. No: He denied the following: That he'll receive an 8 percent commission if A-Rod is suspended, That he tried to get the Commissioner to throw the book at A-Rod. That he hired investigators from Cleveland to probe A-Rod. That he made racist statements about A-Rod. That he told A-Rod's doctor to keep him off the field. That he suggested in emails that A-Rod should take steroids. That's my fave. In fact, this is how the Daily News paraphrased that exchange, based on an interview with Levine: Q: In your emails to A-Rod, did you tell him he ought to go on steroids? A: Conceivably, I might have said a player needs to go on the juice, as a joke. Uh-oh. Something tells me that the entirety of Randy Levine's appearance yesterday was wrapped around that exchange. We haven't heard the last of this. One of the great joys for Yankee fans over the last month has been seeing pictures of the handful of A-Rod supporters - probably rentals - who carry signs each day outside the hearing. One sign called Bud Selig a "child killer." Another said Randy Levine mollier diagram calculator is "the devil." The carrier of that sign later told a reporter that she actually didn't know who Randy Levine was. Damn. That's mollier diagram calculator how it should be.&n
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