Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Yes, the truth is that it is fairly predictable, and if you

T ITLE: The Ella Enchanted Original title: Ella enchanted Saga: Sole Book Author: Gail Carson Levine Publisher: Ediciones B Publication Date: 1997 Pages: 232 Synopsis: Not everything is peaceful and simple in the world of fairy tales A place to Ela could achieve happiness, but for the absurd magical gift that made him the gift of obedience. There is an innocent gift, because due to that spell, anyone swamp cooler car can force Ela to make the strangest actions. Moreover, life is getting more complicated: stepmothers authoritarian, strict boarding ... Helpless, Ela decides to go in search of the enchanted fairy. On your trip discover that their most important gifts are wit, sympathy .. and a spark of magic! Opinion: Despite the large number of recommendations, I started this book a good start, but wary, ready to leave at first hurdle. And, yes, call me shallow, but is that the cover does not inspire much confidence. It promises a much more childish than it is actually book. See, also not a book for adults is, let's face, but at least we are young and not creatures of eight, as it seems. Anyway, "The Ella Enchanted" revolves around the story of Cinderella, an adaptation of the story completely I liked it. For starters, it gives a lot of depth to the characters, and fill the gaps left by the original story. Why Ela obeys her stepmother? Why is the prince falls in love with her so quickly? Why wearing glass slippers? What's so special Ela? Why Ela's father allows him through all that? etc etc etc. And it turns out that our protagonist has a special "gift" to obey everything that is ordered, regardless of the consequences. This is discovered by her stepmother and stepsisters who take advantage of it without swamp cooler car hesitation. Actually, I've really come to hate her stepsisters and stepmother. How I atizarles a good slap! Ela's suffering is well described and throughout the novel could not help but feel sorry for her. Overall, Ela has liked you. He is brave and do what you can with what you have, because despite his curse, swamp cooler car makes every effort to breach it. There are many more minor characters, except for the fairy godmother Ela and Lucinda, the fairy who "blessed". Fairies, are the second most hated characters I of the novel. I was bothered much Ela Fairy Godmother was a fairy and has the same powers as Lucinda, but did nothing to improve the situation of Ela. "We can not use most magic because who knows what can happen," What kind of excuse is that? Why have magic, then? One detail that if I liked the relationship swamp cooler car that is formed between Ella and Char, Prince. Unlike the original swamp cooler car story, not love at first sight, but they are sometimes, make friends, write letters, talk about their lives. And it has fallen well Charme. It is exactly the kind of prince we dream them. It is perfectly swamp cooler car shaped. Finally, I want to mention that I think could have been even deeper into the story, which could have been more recreate the feelings of Ela, rather than just tell us the basics. Hardly no thoughts of hatred towards what bind do, just resignation. The truth is I would rate this book a bit more, but the end was disappointed. It was entirely predictable, almost inevitable, or say, but still, swamp cooler car it is quite improved. Spend too fast as if the author would like to finish once. Also, does not seem right to him or take pity on the poor Ela, nor harshly punish her stepsisters and stepmother. I think it was a very sweet ending, which Ela has been too lenient. In short, a very entertaining children's book, an adaptation of Cinderella with a number of new elements and style of the most careful. I said: I Trust ye not read it and the appearance :)
Yes, the truth is that it is fairly predictable, and if you've seen the movie ... Reply Delete
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