Thursday, May 22, 2014

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Bio products Thank you All shops Botewgrad Blagoevgrad Bourgas Velingrad Gotse Delchev Doupnitsa hatco Nessebar Pazardjik Pernik Plovdiv Pomorie Razlog Sandanski Silistra Sliven Sofia Stara Zagora Targovishte hatco E-shop Contact us About us Hello! Curious basket My Account Terms of Use e-shop Bio G Cosmetics Payment Order Sample page order tracking order Slide Edit Address Change Password
The area of the Mediterranean is often called "the cradle hatco of civilization." These are the lands of the ancient cultures of Persia, Egypt, Greece and Rome, united by a tree - the olive, around which are organized economy, culture, religion and politics of several civilizations. Ultimately, his influence will spread over the whole world to turn it into a witness of millennial human development. There to this day grow olive trees, 300 - 500 - 1000-year, and claims that Jerusalem has 2000 It is believed hatco that the tree has been cultivated about 6,000 years ago, and in the wild variation existed hatco long, long before thereof. It is known that from the sixteenth century BC Olive trees have already been held in the lands of Persia, Egypt and Hellas hatco and the northern coast of Africa and were gradually transferred across the Mediterranean, from south to north. And across the ocean from Spain after 1492 reached the American continent, the West Indies first, then Mexico, Peru, California, hatco Chile and Argentina. Gradually this culture "down" hatco and to southern Asia, Japan and China to Australia. So the olive tree, with its beautiful fruit becomes an integral element of human development and a symbol of eternity.
According to the Egyptians, the first olive tree was given to the people of the goddess Isis. According to Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom and war, Athena and Poseidon, god of the seas began litigation which intervened as arbiter Zeus - "Who gave a better gift to humanity, it will be a winner!" He ruled. Poseidon's trident stuck in the rock, and there gushed spring water, but salt is not fit to drink. Athens stuck up in the ground there sprouted the first olive tree. Zeus awarded the victory of Athena, and the city to which the dispute called Athens. According to the Bible Noah received an olive branch from the dove sent to check you come the end of the Flood, and it became a symbol of peace and sign of victory. So the winners of the first Olympic Games were a crown of olive branches. A true Penelope hatco waited 20 years Odysseus on his bed made of olive wood, and so it became a symbol of fidelity. Processing technology olives and extracting the oil from them attributed to the inhabitants of Crete, about 2500 BC Because the fruit can be consumed directly from the tree, are terribly bitter. But processed become so valuable that the Greeks and Romans began to build ships to deal with olives and olive oil. Hippocrates enthusiastically describing the benefits of using olive oil and olives. Galen considered "magic" ingredient and includes 473 recipes. A Pliny wisely concludes, "There are two liquids most useful hatco for human body internally - wine, outdoor - olive oil." Olive oil was the most natural and useful tool for massage and skin care for all ages for thousands of years. The first soap was the discovery of the Greeks, who mixed olive oil and ash, but was perfected by the Arabs. And in Marseille started to produce liquid soap based on olive oil as early as the ninth century to remain kalapcheto "Savon de Marseille" and today one of the symbols of the city. In the late 19th century, French scientists launch a thorough research on Olives, to reach the conclusion in the 60 years of the twentieth century that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean (Greece, southern Italy, southern France, Spain, hatco Portugal, the countries of North Africa) are living longer than other Europeans suffer less from heart disease and cancer in the different varieties. Studies on 13,000 people for seven years showed that this is due to their lifestyle, especially dietary specifics associated with a high consumption of olives and olive oil. Labeled as "Mediterranean regime." It is based on a lifestyle including healthy eating, exercise, experience full of fun and enjoyment in every moment of life. This way of life is synonymous with good health and longevity. The main component of this style is the Mediterranean diet, which means that:
olive oil and olives are the most used products and are based

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