Saturday, May 31, 2014

Pour into a five-liter enameled saucepan tap water, let it stand and then boil the fire. Then quick

Living Water | Blog Dr. Dobromir Ivanov Yordanov
Preparation of protic water: a bowl of water is placed in the chamber for 4-5 hours. For this period of time to the walls and the surface was formed ice. Water is poured into another container, and ice discarded. This ice is heavy molecules of water, which freezes at 3-4 degrees and the water needed for the body freezes at minus 1. Court New water is put back into the camera. Stayed there until 2/3 of the water zamrazne.Nezamraznalata water is poured - it's light water, which contains many impurities and harmful. The ice that remains in the container is frozen protic water, melt it and drink.
Pour into a five-liter enameled saucepan tap water, let it stand and then boil the fire. Then quickly cool it in an ice bath. This is the first step of the structuring of water. She has a degree more useful than just boiled. Then drop into the pan 5-7 pebbles black silica (pharmacy), cover with gauze and leave it for two days. Then gently pour into another container, what does it mean to be rational discard the bottom layer of 2-3 inches because silica takes pathogenic microorganisms and foreign chemicals. This water now has healing what does it mean to be rational properties. It is more structured and saturated with silicon - the most essential trace element in the absence of which the body does not absorb nearly all the others. Resulting water to the chamber of the refrigerator. Once on the surface and the walls forming an ice crust ampule in a plastic container what does it mean to be rational and place it over the camera. Discard the ice, thereby disposing of heavy water. It comprises a hydrogen isotope deuterium and tritium, freezes at 3 C, and damage to the body. Last freeze should perform in a plastic container because of enamel pan can crack. When two-thirds of the water freezes, drill a hole in the ice and pour frost - this "brine" contains all the impurities. It remains to wait for the ice to melt at room temperature. You will receive a melted water of the highest quality, which is called protic because it is free of heavy isotopes. And finally, if you have a magnetic ring or magnetic funnel, pour water over them in order to further strengthen the structure obtained her water has healing properties - clears and durable cure of many diseases. The shelf life of its properties is limited - about seven hours.
WHAT silent water? Medical consultant network "Matrix" Leonid Kazanskiy Water is an amazing substance! what does it mean to be rational A substance that does not fit into any framework what does it mean to be rational of generally recognized chemical and physical theories. Substance without which the very concept of life on Earth is impossible and the loss of which connect the concepts of aging and death. The structure of the water is changed into a billion times per second! Have you ever wondered on that substance to drink, what does it mean to be rational which is located in your body and what is accepted to be considered commonplace, has its "life", its patarn (model behavior patterns), dies and born a billion times a second? What is Structured Water? Overall, what does it mean to be rational this is nonsense. Water may be unstructured. Structure what does it mean to be rational of water repeats the structure of the space in which we exist equally with everything (well water).
The structure of the water plays a very important role in the biochemical, biophysical and other processes. Today water researchers believe that the majority of the information processes in the body is determined by patarna of "life" what does it mean to be rational of the water clusters. For example, the transmission of fast signals that respond endocrine system, can be done just by altering the structural picture of internal and extracellular water, as the speed of propagation of nerve impulses is very often insufficient.
Structural information and properties what does it mean to be rational of water - it is the ability what does it mean to be rational of its molecules form clusters, the structure of which has been encoded with interactions that are performed or are performed with this model of water.
It is possible what does it mean to be rational that the impact of the huge amount of factors on water: phase transitions of water, temperature and pressure, especially what does it mean to be rational at supercritical values, acoustic oscillations electromagnetic field surfactants dissolved chemicals, psycho-emotional state, temperature, etc. .
Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto has studied the structure of water in the following way. Freezing a thin layer of water, then looked at high magnification what does it mean to be rational (2000-4000 times). Receive information on the structure of water marked dependencies in crystals of ice from a sample until the water froze.
In nature there is no "unstructured" water, as no structured water. Water is always a structure. Therefore it will call this structured water in which the amount of clusters

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